
The Custer County Office of Emergency Management is the county’s center for all-hazard emergency preparation, prevention, response, and recovery.

Within the pages of this website you will find a wide array of information that can help you understand how emergency management applies to everyday life here in the Custer County.

Custer County Office of Emergency Management holds monthly Custer Emergency Services/Local Emergency Preparedness Council (CES/LEPC)meetings/trainings on the third Tuesday at 2:00pm in the Search and Rescue building.   Meeting dates and times are subject to change.

If you have any questions about the Custer County Office of Emergency Management, our programs, or our mission please do not hesitate to contact me directly.

Meredith Nichols, Director
Custer County Office of Emergency Management
P.O. Box 1351
Westcliffe, Colorado  81252

Phone: (719) 783-2410
Cell: (719) 269-7952
Text: (719) 269-7952
E-Mail: Meredith@custercountygov.com